I recently experienced a ghastly physical problem, I wont go into the gory details, suffice to say, I was on two kinds of antibiotics for 2 weeks to deal with a nasty infection. After taking these drugs, which made me feel awful, my whole system needed good probiotics, to replace those cleansed out. What a time, the thing I always forget is that when the body is down ,for whatever reason , the mind also goes into a kind of fugue state, so I couldn't think or create. I need my full faculties to be able to make art. The recovery process took almost 2 months in total.
I would go to my studio a couple of times, just to sit and look . I went through the stages , anger that I was well one minute and sick the next, impatience, gradually acceptance and then determination to get out of this and get well.
During this time I was scheduled to do a talk for the Rembrandt Club, at Lyman Hall in the Claremont Colleges. It had been on the books for a year , so I really couldn't cancel. I had done a lot of the work for the talk before, started the digital transfer of my work from the slides of the 70's, 80's and 90's , so the visuals were mostly done. It was wonderful for me to put my life's work together, making links between recurring themes. I did my best, although I really felt like I was floating about 3 feet off the floor, most of the time. The audience was very responsive and had some good questions. The hardest thing, was condensing my lifetime of artwork so far, into a 45 minute talk. Below see one of my pieces from the early 90's, its a piece about DNA , that I am again thinking about working with.