When I was young I didn't see a division between 2D and 3D. I used to draw and make things out of stuff that was around and lots of plasticine. When I went to do my Fine Arts degree at Trent Poly I learned there was a Painting Department and a Sculpture Department that were separate. I did actually cross over spending two years as a "painter" and my last year in the Sculpture Department. This was a highly suspect thing to do and much advised against. I got interested in installations doing my M.F.A. at R.I.S.D., this seemed like the perfect marrying of the two, but so does just doing both. At various times I have focused on one or the other disciplines. I seem to be coming to the end of a six year stint of drawing. I am itching to make some things again, but I find myself feeling fearful. What exactly am I afraid of? maybe failing? I am not sure. I just know I am doubting my skills, I seem to have forgotten how to weld and really can seem to remember how to put things together. So I know I just have to dive in. This is a perfect time to have a break in my studio. I am going to Dorset to see my Mum for a couple of weeks. Hopefully I will get refreshed and return ready to play sculpture in my studio.
I am including a picture of a recent drawing in one of its many stages. I know that many people think my drawings are paintings. Because I use so many techniques like collage as in this example, I can only think that these are drawings.