Its the annual Open Studio , therefore the annual clean-up, although to be fair I did get three extra shelves to store my drawings and a sweep of the floor to go with this awesome Christmas present. I tend to work in a bit of a mess, not sure why, but I refuse to spend my valuable time cleaning. It is nice therefore when I finally find the long lost pair of scissors hidden beneath the piles . I also got caught up, photographing all the new work , I want to update the website and keep it current. Its a great chance to assess where I am and get a fresh start, sort of like New Year , I just happen to wait until the Chinese New Year, which incidentally will be the year of the Horse.
I have already started a new series of Chakra drawings, this will be a set of seven drawing done after doing workshops about the Chakras all year. The last series of Chakra drawings were done before I really knew that much about them. I also have two triptychs started, they are part of the "Heaven" and "Hell" series, drawings trying to make visible, the process of having contamination removed, from the mind and body. I am calling them the "Vortex" triptychs. Then I have also started two pieces that have the title "Karmic Wheel". I don't often start with a title, so its a little unusual for me . All in all its looking like an interesting start to 2014. I will show some of the drawings for the larger Brain-mind pieces, below.